Entrees » Smoked Pork Loin w/ Mexican Dry Rub

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Smoked Pork Loin w/ Mexican Dry Rub
Smoked Pork Loin w/ Mexican Dry Rub <p> <a href="http://how2heroes.com/videos/profiles/about-elaine-murphy">Elaine Murphy</a> of <a href="http://www.truebluebbq.com/Truebluebbq/Welcome.html">True Blue BBQ</a> schools us on how to jazz up your next cookout. Instead of boring your guests with burgers and dogs, pick up a pork loin and get smokin&#39;! Elaine begins with brining the pork for several hours in a mixture of salted water and spices. The pork is then patted dry and coated with a Mexican inspired spice rub.&nbsp;Once the loin smokes for a while at a low temp, Elaine lets it rest and then slices &amp; serves over black beans and rice and tops with salsa.&nbsp;</p>

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grilled pork, pork loin, smoked, smoked pork, smoker

Elaine Murphy of True Blue BBQ schools us on how to jazz up your next cookout. Instead of boring your guests with burgers and dogs, pick up a pork loin and get smokin'! Elaine begins with brining the pork for several hours in a mixture of salted water and spices. The pork is then patted dry and coated with a Mexican inspired spice rub. Once the loin smokes for a while at a low temp, Elaine lets it rest and then slices & serves over black beans and rice and tops with salsa. 

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